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8318    2021-11-03 19:17:39

Mission 使命

澳門營養學會是本澳代表具有人類營養學及營養治療學學士專業人士的非牟利專業團體。澳門營養學會成立至今(約20年) 為配合社會發展及需求作出不少努力。綜括以言,本會使命可細分如下:

  • 不遺餘力舉辦各種營養學術活動,亦積極參與不同醫療社團所舉辦的各種活動;

  • 為澳門社會的公共健康推廣營養教育並宣傳健康膳食的重要性;

  • 為營養學專業人員的學術交流建立平台,促進各地營養學專業人員的交流機會,從而提升本地營養學專業人員的學術水平。並為澳門註冊營養師提供持續專業發展培訓(CPD)機會,以提高其學術知識。

The Macau Nutrition Association is a non-profit professional organization representing professionals with a bachelor's degree in human nutrition and nutrition therapy in Macau.

Since its establishment in 2003, the Macau Nutrition Association has made a lot of efforts to meet social development and needs over the past 20 years.

The, the mission of the association are organizing various nutrition academic activities, actively participate in various activities organized by different health professional associations and also promoting nutrition education and the importance of healthy diet for the public health of Macao society, lastly establishing a platform for academic exchange of nutrition professionals from all over the world, and promote CPD opportunities for Macau registered Dietitians in order to improve their academic knowledge.


Vision 願景




To be recognized as a leader in the field of nutrition and dietetics in Macau. Uphold the professional standards of the nutrition and dietetics community.

Improve the health of the Macau population, influencing improvements in diet and nutrition through the continued development of the dietetic profession.

Protect professional interests of Nutritionists and Dietitians in Macau, provide professional advice on matters relating to nutrition and dietetics to the public, advance the knowledge and skills of Nutritionists and Dietitians in Macau to provide evidence-based practice continues education seminars and promoting relevant nutrition research, and establish strategic partnerships to enable closer cooperation between Dietitians, Nutritionists, and other stakeholders.